Tuesday, September 27, 2016

American Kiwi Endorses Donald Trump for President

Donald Trump could have done better in this debate. He nailed Hillary twice on her emails, but could have done it three more times very easily: (1) When she spoke of things that could be hidden in Donald's taxes (which the law does not require him to release) he could have suggested there must have been evidence of criminal behavior in the 33,000 emails she had destroyed after our House of Representatives ordered the records be preserved; (2) When she made her pitch for respect for the law, he could have questioned why she violated the Public Records Act by setting up a private email server as SECSTATE; (3) and on the question of cyber security he could have asked "How can we keep our most sensitive government secrets safe when you like to put them on unclassified networks?" However, I'm not voting for a debater, I'm voting for a president who constitutional conservatives can best expect to honor our Constitution. I see only one choice: Donald Trump.
As reported in the Washington Post, “Phyllis Schlafly, the 91-year-old icon of the conservative movement, endorsed Trump” from the very beginning saying “I think he has the courage and the energy -- you know you have to have energy for that job -- in order to bring some changes. To do what the grass roots want him to do because this is a grass-roots uprising. We’ve been following the losers for so long — now we’ve got a guy who’s going to lead us to victory.”

Mark Levin is now on the Trump Train, "I'm gonna vote for Donald Trump. I'm gonna wind up voting for Donald Trump on Election Day.”

Ted Cruz, whom I campaigned for in the Primary, has also now endorsed Trump. 

To my family and friends who say they are appalled at Trump let me offer the following rationale. We have clear evidence that the leaders of the Democrat party are waging war against our Constitution of individual liberty. I cite President Obama who, while swearing to uphold the Constitution, has made it clear that he believes it is a “seriously flawed document” because it does not give sufficient power to the federal government and he has done all in his power to run an Imperial presidency regardless of the constitutional laws of the land. I cite his attempt to circumvent immigration law and his tolerance of sanctuary cities that set at defiance our nations laws on immigration. I cite President Obama's participation in Hillary's illegal unclassified network that evaded the Public Records Act by hiding their pay-for-play system from the people's constitutional oversight. We now know from files released by the FBI last week that President Obama participated in this network using a codename. These Democrats have placed themselves above the law.  They are a law unto themselves and control the prosecutorial power that ignores their unconstitutional conduct. Therefore you and I have lost the liberty that is protected by the constitutional laws we passed - we are being governed by tyrants from the Democrat Party. That Party must be removed from the Presidency. 

While there are a number of organizations fighting to protect the Constitution, the most effective has been the conservative movement within the Republican Party. In the last few election cycles we have been able to get more conservatives into the House and into the Senate. It is crucial that we now get a Republican president to set the country back on its Constitutional footing. 

The leader that Americans have picked to fight against this Democrat Party tyranny is Donald Trump. This is where the battle is. That is where I will join the fight. Siding with Gary Johnson is like sitting on the sidelines.

To my Mormon friends, those who can’t stand Trump and have wished Romney president, I ask: why didn't Romney step into this race? When we needed his leadership where was he? Are you now going to be like the millions of conservative Christians who (in 2012) would not vote for a Mormon. By your failure to vote for Trump, you will give the election to the enemy of our Constitution, just as anti-Mormon Christians gave the election to Obama! You look for a time when the Prophet Joseph Smith said the Constitution “will hang by a thread” - surely this is that time! War is waged on our Constitution.  Don't stay on the sidelines and don't join a General who has no chance of winning the battle. It is time to make America great again. It is time to preserve the greatest gift God has bestowed on his children - liberty - and the Constitution He established to preserve that liberty.

The point is we must unite against the enemy of our Constitution. United we stand, divided we fall. God give us the strength to succeed!