Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Joy

Christmas Joy

Dear Lord, the Christmas season comes
To cheer our hearts and bring us peace.
We think of thee and thy dear Son.
Through Mary's selfless service was born
The babe of Bethlehem - Jesus the Christ,
The Son of God, Savior, Divine Redeemer.

Our sin-laden prayers are now lifted high.
His love comes to fill our sorrowing hearts.
Our sins and fears flee His loving embrace.
We feel our sagging spirits revive as
He saves our souls from death and Hell.
We wash His feet with our tears of joy.

Dear Lord, hasten His return to Earth
As Messiah and King to reign supreme.
Thy will shall fill a new heavenly Earth.
Love abounds and sorrows are no more
As peace breaks forth and terrors flee
And the Christmas season knows no end.

Neil David Holland, 22 Dec 2015